Prayer Times


04:17 AM

IQAMAH: 04:25 AM

Gate closed after salaat

Salaat start on time


01:02 PM

IQAMAH: 01:15 PM

Gate closed after salaat
Salaat start on time


04:57 PM

IQAMAH: 05:15 PM

Gate closed after salaat
Salaat start on time



08:15 PM

IQAMAH: 08:25 PM

Gate closed after salaat
Salaat start on time


09:45 PM

IQAMAH: 10:00 PM

Gate closed after salaat
Salaat start on time

Friday Times

Jumua Khutba Khateeb
Jumaah Kutbah 01:15 PM Shaykh Waseem Abdullah

Announcement & Updates

Assalamu alikum wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh

Welcome Muharram   1446


1.  To fast on the 9th and 10th  Muharram (day of Ashura)  or the 10th and 11th Muharram

2.  Read the Quran

3.  Doing Dhikr

Muharram being the first month of the Islamic New Year holds great importance in Islam.

It is one of the four sacred months in the Islamic calendar. Muharram in its literal sense means “forbidden”. Similar to the other sacred months, waging war during this month is forbidden.

“The year is of twelve months, out of which four months are sacred: Three are in succession Dhul-Qa’ da, Dhul-Hijja and Muharram, and (the fourth is) Rajab…” (Bukhari 3197).

Muharram is not only the 1st month of Islamic Calendar but also called ‘The month of Allah’ and Optional (Nafil) fasting during this month is considered the most rewarding after the month of Ramadan. This is evident from the following Sahih Hadith:

“‘The Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) said: “The best fasting after the month of Ramadan is the month of Allah, Al-Muharram.”’ (An-Nasai: 1613)

The hadith does not mean that the award of Muharram’s fasts can be achieved only by fasting the whole month. On the contrary, each fast during this month has its own merits. Therefore, one should avail this opportunity and fast as much as one can during this blessed month.

Unfortunately, many Muslims still believe Muharram is an evil or unlucky month due to the incident of Karbala. We know that it was an unfortunate event but remember one thing that according to Sahih Muslim: 1163 (a) and Tirmidhi: 438, this is Allah’s month.

As Allah say in the Quran  Surah At Taubah:9:36

“Indeed, the number of months with Allah is twelve [lunar] months in the register of Allah [from] the day He created the heavens and the earth; of these, four are sacred.”

Before the Hijri calendar came into use, Muslims used ‘Am Al-Fil’ (the year in which the Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.) was born), to demarcate date and time. But  second Caliph Umar ibn Khattab (R.A.) established new calendar and, after many suggestions from Companions (R.A.), he announced that the year in which the Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.) migrated would mark the beginning of the Hijri calendar. The calendar would begin with the month of Muharram and end with the month of Dhul Hijjah. Consequently, 622 AD [the year of the Prophet’s (S.A.W.) migration] became the first year in the Hijri Calendar.

Ashura this year is to take place on the 16th July 2024. Ashura holds special significance due to which Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used to fast on this day. Earlier on it was obligatory to fast on the 10th of Muharram. However later, fasting was made obligatory in the month of Ramadan only.

Click here to read more








Announcement & Updates

Assalamu alikum wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh







About Us

Masjid Al-Ansar, Inc. is in close collaboration with the other Muslim organizations in the New York City area. We have direct relations with many organizations whose objectives coincide with our philosophy of mono-theism and the upliftment of the human order. Our international brotherhood spreads across geographic and cultural backgrounds. Our observances and celebration of events are related to the brotherhood of the New York Islamic Foundation, the North American Muslim Organization, and the World Muslim Organization. We share in the belief that resides with the Almighty Allah as the ever Supreme. We comply with the guidance of the Holy Quran, and we further comply with all the laws and regulations of civilized societies with specific observation of the laws of the United States of America. We believe in individual freedom, limited only when that individual freedom restricts the freedom of any other human being, Muslim or non-Muslim.

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Etiquette on the day of Jummah
Jumaah Etiquette
26 Jul 2024
01:15 PM To 01:45 PM
Days: Friday
Adult class
Adult Events
26 Jul 2024
07:00 PM To 08:30 PM
Days: Friday
Kids Madrasah Reopening TBD
Kid Madrasah
27 Jul 2024
10:00 AM To 01:00 PM
Days: Saturday
Masjid Al Ansar Hamper distribution
Community event
27 Jul 2024
12:00 PM To 02:00 PM
Days: Saturday
Sister Halaqah
Sisters Event
28 Jul 2024
12:25 PM To 04:00 PM

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