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The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “Whoever builds a mosque with the intention of seeking Allah’s pleasure, Allah will build for him a place in Paradise.” Sahih Al-Bukhai, Hadith #441

The mosques of Allah are only to be maintained by those who believe in Allah and the Last Day and establish prayer and give zakah and do not fear except Allah , for it is expected that those will be of the [rightly] guided. Surah at Taubah 9:18

Whatever you give or spend in the way of Allah will be returned to you in manifold increase. Allah, the most Bountiful and the most Loving, commends:Lend unto God a goodly loan. Whatever good you shall forward on your behalf you shall find it with God, as better and richer in reward. [al-Muzzammil 73: 20.]

Please donate generously, as our masjid need your donations more than before to meet our operation and maintenance cost and to help the most needed ones in our community.

All donations are tax exempt. Tax ID:45-2279941.

All forms can be found at

PS: Please  request  a receipt for any  CASH donation given to any  Shura member or the Imaam.

Its preferable to use Zelle    as no transaction fee is charged.

When using Zelle, please send an email to so we can track the program you are donating to and a receipt can be email to you.

Direct bank

By paying direct into our bank account:


Name of Beneficiary : Masjid Al Ansar Inc.
Beneficiary’s Bank & Branch : Citibank
Account No : 021000089  4985526979
Tax Exempt ID 45-2279941

Check Payment

Please make cheque payable to: Masjid Al Ansar Inc.
And send it to our mailing address
Masjid Al Ansar Inc.
P O Box 200514
12615 Foch Boulevard
South Ozone Park  NY 11420