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About Us

Masjid Al-Ansar, Inc. is in close collaboration with the other Muslim organizations in the New York City area. We have direct relations with many organizations whose objectives coincide with our philosophy of mono-theism and the upliftment of the human order. Our international brotherhood spreads across geographic and cultural backgrounds. Our observances and celebration of events are related to the brotherhood of the New York Islamic Foundation, the North American Muslim Organization, and the World Muslim Organization. We share in the belief that resides with the Almighty Allah as the ever Supreme. We comply with the guidance of the Holy Quran, and we further comply with all the laws and regulations of civilized societies with specific observation of the laws of the United States of America. We believe in individual freedom, limited only when that individual freedom restricts the freedom of any other human being, Muslim or non-Muslim.

Brief History

Masjid Al-Ansar, Inc. is a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide education and support, to it’s members, families and the general publice. It is hoped Insha-Allah, that through our social programs and educational activities we can influence our community to adapt a better way of life.

Our Plan

To build better communities, by motivating families to actively participate in Islamic Education and Social Programs. To Strengthen the Bonds of Brotherhood that Already Exists. To Educate The Community in the Important Principles of the Deen. To Strengthen the Social Fabric of the Community, Family, life etc. and to establish a link to the non-muslim community.

Our Policy

We at Masjid Al Ansar Inc. attempt to the best of our ability to ensure that all information presented on our site conforms to the traditional standards of Islamic thought as understood and preserved by Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jam’ah which represents the mainstream and majority position within the Muslim ummah on all matters pertaining to Islam. We do not in any way consider ourselves to be the absolute authority on matters pertaining to Islamic belief.

As always we put our trust in Allah as the only absolute knower of truth. Responsibility for all errors is ours alone and due to human failings. For any errors we may make we offer our most sincere apologies to the Muslim Ummah, and beg the forgiveness of Allah. We understand, of course, that there may be alternative interpretations of the true knowledge of traditional Islamic belief and practice held by individuals and groups within the Muslim ummah. To the degree that these alternative interpretations do not constitute unbelief, we welcome this diversity within the Islamic tradition as a great Mercy from Allah. We support and work for a return to the traditional beliefs, values and practices of Islam, based on the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), as the only way to successfully bring about a spiritual revitalization of the Muslim ummah, and to ultimately bring about a fully and truly Islamic world.


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